Friday, January 26, 2018

The mineral fluorite pictures and information at the vastu practice

Fluorite is one of the most fascinating gemstones dating back to at least 1500.

Fluorite can be found in any of the colours on the colour spectrum. Consequently it has been dubbed the most colourfulgemstone in the world.

The most common colours are purple, green, blue and less common are pink, red, white, brown and black. They can also be multicoloured.

Many samples of Fluorite exhibit fluorescence, a property that takes its name from fluorite.

Fluorite is a multidimensional gemstone believed to have the qualities of grounding and harmonizing all spiritual energies in our microcosm thus creating coordination between the physical and metaphysical worlds.

Studies have shown that it stimulates intellectual development, absorbs negative energies from our environment, cleanses the aura and the chakras and also protects us from psychic manipulations.
It is very effective when placed near electronic equipment in dispersing the electromagnetic waves.

Fluorite should be cleaned often in running water due to its remarkable ability to absorb negative energies and then exposed to sunlight for crystal charging and energy accumulation.

For More Details Click Here

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