Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Vastu Shastra Tips For Children Study Room

Avoid having a bookshelf on the wall above the table or attached to the table in a child's study room as shown in the photo.
Bookshelves can be kept in the South-West zone of the room.

A child’s study room is a very important part of the house and should not be used for any other purpose or by any one else for example a guest. 
Make sure that the child occupies the room everyday in the same direction and orientation to build up positive aura and energy in the room.

For More on Child`s Study Room Click Here

Monday, January 29, 2018

Vastu Guidelines for Children’s Study Room and Study Room Vastu Tips

Make sure that your child's study table is not under a beam.
Use only a square or rectangular table and keep it away from the wall.
There should be space all around the table for energy to flow.
The best location for children’s study room is North, East or North-East. These directions attract the positive effects of Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus.

A student should face East while studying and also have his head in the East while sleeping. Facing East enhances the quality of concentration and 
mental capacity. If he cannot face east then North-East or North is acceptable.

For More on Childrens Study Room Click Here

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Vastu And Plants and Vastu Shastra Tips for Garden

Growing creepers with support on the building wall is best avoided however beautiful they may look!
If you love creeper plants then you can grow them on a separate fence as shown so that there is no danger to the building.

Green plants and trees are universally loved. They look beautiful and also have a calming effect on the mind of the residents. Plants and trees play a pivotal role in energizing the atmosphere.They  help to neutralize the excessive effects of electromagnetic fields caused by electrical appliances, computers and cellphones and cleanse stagnant energy because they are in a dynamic condition of growth.

For More on Vastu and Plants Click Here

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Vastu For Staircase and Vastu For Staircase Direction

The staircase should not be visible from the main entrance of the house and should also not be directly opposite the main entrance.

Such a staircase disturbs the harmony and equilibrium of the house.

The most preferred area for staircase is South, West and South –West.

The North-East and Brahmsthan of a building are strictly prohibited for the location of a staircase. A staircase in the North-East results in loss of wealth and health.

For More Details on Staircases Click Here

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Vastu for Main Door in Home and Vastu Advice For Main Door

The main door should be larger than all the other doors of the house. It should open inwards and to the left.

The main door should be used everyday. Some people use side doors or back doors for convenience. This is not a good practice because auspicious energy does not get a chance to enter the house.

Doors should be placed in auspicious grid positions according to the Vastu Chakra rather than following the Rashi or constellation of the owner since the structure will remain after the owner’s death. The main door should be fixed in an auspicious Muhurtha.

For more Details on main doors Click Here

Friday, January 26, 2018

Get Free Vastu Consultation From Expert Indian Vastu Shastra Consultant in delhi India

Republic Offering #vaastu #shastra consultancy services for Plots, #Home, Factories, Shop, Industries, #Hotels, hospital, #Buildings etc.

We at Thevastupractice.com offers best Vastu Consultancy Services in Delhi NCR India.

Our List of Vastu Consulting services:-
  • Vastu For Residence
  • Vastu for Business
  • Vastu for Plots
  • Vastu for Hospital
  • Vastu and Marriage
  • Vastu For Industries
  • Vastu For Educational Institutions.

The aim of Vastu is to establish a synergy between human beings and the Pranic energy of the universe. Vastu creates a positive relationship between the microcosm consisting of humans and the macrocosm represented by the universe. It has the ability to change a human’s cosmic path leading to stability and success.

Getan Appointment NOW!! 

Expert Vastu Tips for Gaumukhi plots

Plots which are narrow in front and broad in the rear are called Gaumukhi plots.

Gaumukhi plots

Such plots are suitable for residence when the broad part is in the North-East and roads are on the Southern or Western sides. If the narrow part of the plot is the North-East then it is inauspicious.

For More Details Click Here

The Vastu Practice - Renowned Vastu Consultant in New Delhi, India

We at Thevastupractice.com offers best Vastu Consultancy Services in Delhi NCR India.

Geeta Subramanium considers herself privileged to have advised several people about Vastu problems and to have brought happiness and harmony into their lives.

Geeta Subramanium is a historian by training. During the course of her studies and research she discovered the ancient Indian science of Vastu. It is an invaluable treasure given to us by our venerable sages. They made a deep study of the different aspects of nature and discovered a clear link between the perfect order in nature and in human life and activity.

Vastu teaches us the perfect way to live in synergy with nature. It goes into all details from determining the time for the worship of the land (bhumipooja) and commencement of construction till the completion of construction.

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The mineral fluorite pictures and information at the vastu practice

Fluorite is one of the most fascinating gemstones dating back to at least 1500.

Fluorite can be found in any of the colours on the colour spectrum. Consequently it has been dubbed the most colourfulgemstone in the world.

The most common colours are purple, green, blue and less common are pink, red, white, brown and black. They can also be multicoloured.

Many samples of Fluorite exhibit fluorescence, a property that takes its name from fluorite.

Fluorite is a multidimensional gemstone believed to have the qualities of grounding and harmonizing all spiritual energies in our microcosm thus creating coordination between the physical and metaphysical worlds.

Studies have shown that it stimulates intellectual development, absorbs negative energies from our environment, cleanses the aura and the chakras and also protects us from psychic manipulations.
It is very effective when placed near electronic equipment in dispersing the electromagnetic waves.

Fluorite should be cleaned often in running water due to its remarkable ability to absorb negative energies and then exposed to sunlight for crystal charging and energy accumulation.

For More Details Click Here