Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Vastu Tips for Bathroom Mirror

Mirrors should only be hung on the East and North walls in the house.

Mirrors should not be placed opposite one another.
Always hang a mirror flat against the wall and not leaning forward.
Only square or rectangular mirrors should be used. Avoid oval, round or irregular shaped mirrors.

To Read More on Bathroom Mirror Click Here

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Vastu Tips for Home

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Best Vastu Tips For Kitchen

Cooking area and washing sink area should be on opposite sides and not adjacent.

The refrigerator can be placed in the South-East, West or South but never in the South-West.
Cereals, spices etc should be stored in the North-West in glass jars. Plastic jars hamper the energy of the grains.

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Dieffenbacia Plant and How To Grow Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbacia (Tropic Snow) enjoying the afternoon sun by the window.

Growing creepers with support on the compound wall or the building wall is best avoided.

Audumber traditionally represents Guru Tatwa (gravitational force). Thus it is very beneficial to plant it in the South West because it results in holistic positivity.

To Read More on Dieffenbacia Plants Click Here

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Friday, July 6, 2018

Vastu Tips For Television

Croton Growing - Houseplant Care Tips

My Croton Collection looking happy after the short shower.

Green plants and trees are universally loved. They look beautiful and also have a calming effect on the mind of the residents. Plants and trees play a pivotal role in energizing the atmosphere.They  help to neutralize the excessive effects of electromagnetic fields caused by electrical appliances, computers and cellphones and cleanse stagnant energy because they are in a dynamic condition of growth.

To Read More on Croton Plants Click Here

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Pink Syngoniums outdoor Plants

Time to send my little gang of Pink Syngoniums outdoors to get some sun, before they start losing their lovely pink!!

Mango tree represents Venus which rules the South East. So any problem in the South East can be rectified by planting a mango tree in this zone.
Growing creepers with support on the compound wall or the building wall is best avoided.

To Read More on Plants Click Here

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Vastu Tips For Kitchen

Avoid Blue colour for the kitchen

Astrologically, the kitchen is governed by Venus because he is the lord of the South East direction and water is his element and Mars because he rules the South and fire is his element. The colour of the floor and the walls can be yellow or orange. Avoid black as far as possible.

The washing sink should be in the North-East as far as possible. Water storage should also be in the North-East.

To Read More on Kitchen Click Here

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