Friday, June 22, 2018

Vastu Tips For Building

Vastu Tips For The Caladium Story

Heres the largest leaf of my Caladium collection. they look so gorgeous.

Baby Caladiums unfurling. These are from my old preserved bulbs. The new ones have not unfurled yet.
Unfurling their glory leaf by leaf. These are the new bulbs with the labels.

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Vastu Tips For House

Do not allow creeper plants to take support of the walls.

If any thorny plant or tree cannot be removed, its negative effect can be curtailed by placing a tulsi plant by its side. The tulsi has the exquisite quality of neutralizing negativity and cleaning up the atmosphere.
Mango tree represents Venus which rules the South East. So any problem in the South East can be rectified by planting a mango tree in this zone.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Vastu Tips For Main Door

Always use the Main Door to enter your house or office.
DO NOT use a side or back door.

The main door should never be in the middle of the facade of the house and should not be in an extended or cut portion of the house.
The main entrance door of two houses opposite each other should not be exactly opposite each other.

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Vastu Tips For Guava Tree

The Guava tree leaned in to say hello to the Grape vine.

Audumber traditionally represents Guru Tatwa (gravitational force). Thus it is very beneficial to plant it in the South West because it results in holistic positivity.
Christmas tree has a pyramidical shape and can be said to be a living pyramid. Thus it is also a very beneficial tree to be planted in the South and South-West.

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Vastu Tips For Main Door with Staircase

The staircase should not be visible from the main entrance door.

The staircase should not originate from the kitchen, puja room or strong room.

The staircase should be maintained in a good condition at all times. Any repairs should be done immediately.

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Vastu Tips For Portulaca Plants

The Portulacas are in full bloom. At least someone is loving the heat!!

All thorny plants and trees like lemon, gooseberry, tamarind and all cactii and those that exude white sap like banyan, papaya etc should not be planted within the compound of the house. Adverse effects include financial crisis and mental tension. Rose is the only thorny plant which can be grown in the house preferably in the North-West zone.

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Vastu Tips For Lawn Plants of the house

Only Lawns, flowerbeds and shrubs should be planted in the North, East and North-East zones of the house.
Aromatic fragrant plants can be planted in the North West to give fresh dimension to the wind element.
Moving water attracts positive energy and encourages prosperity. A fountain or a small pond with fish in the North-east zone of the plot is very beneficial.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Vastu Tips For Spiral Staircase

AVOID SPIRAL staircases because they interfere with the helical travel of positive energy.

The space below the stairs should not be used for anything else except storage.

The staircase should not originate from the kitchen, puja room or strong room.
The staircase should be maintained in a good condition at all times. Any repairs should be done immediately.

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Monday, June 11, 2018

Vastu Tips For Stairs and Staircase

The number of stairs should not be 10, 20, etc. They should not have zero at unit place.

The staircase should run clockwise only.
The number of steps should always be an odd number and definitely not end in a zero.
Circular staircases are considered inauspicious because circles represent death in Indian mythology. For the same reason, a staircase should not encircle the whole building.

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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Vastu Tips For Curved Staircase

Avoid Curved Staircases because they interfere with the Helical travel of positive energy traditionally called  'Mandalakaram'

Circular staircases are considered inauspicious because circles represent death in Indian mythology. For the same reason, a staircase should not encircle the whole building.
There should not be a common staircase for going upstairs and to the basement.
The uppermost staircase should have a roof.

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Vastu Tips For Bed and Bedrooms

DO NOT use the storage under the bed for shoes, metal or electrical items. It creates negative energy.

Electrical appliances like TV, heater, iron etc should be in the South-East.
All heavy furniture like cupboards should be in the South and West. The cupboard containing cash, jewellery and valuables should open North.

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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Vastu Tips For Iron Bed and Bedrooms

Wrought iron beds as shown in the pic SHOULD NOT be used.

Metals accumulate electrical charges which distort the body’s own electrical field and do not lead to peaceful and energizing sleep.
Metal bed frames also act like antennae to attract and amplify any radiation in the bedroom leading to disturbed sleep patterns.

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Vastu Tips For Bedrooms

There should be a solid wall behind the bed and the bed must have a headboard.

The bed should not be under a beam. If it is unavoidable, then the beam should run along the length of the bed and not the width. The best way is to close it by a false ceiling or by hanging a pair of bamboo flutes with the blowing side facing downwards from the beam with a red ribbon.

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