Friday, April 27, 2018

Placement Of Water Tanks at Buildings

Vaastu and Brahmasthan Center of the house

The center of the house is the Brahmasthan.

Heavy furniture, lifts, toilets, stairs are totally prohibited in the Brahmasthan. One can have a courtyard here, preferably open to the sky or a temple.

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Vastu For Drawing Room and Traditional Indian decor in drawing rooms

Swings are a part of traditional Indian decor in drawing rooms. Make sure that the swing is in East-West axis.

The doors of the drawing room should not be in South- East or South West. Eastern and Northern doors are auspicious.
Heavy furniture should be in the South, West or South- West corner of the room.
The head of the family should always sit in the South- West facing North.
The North, East and North- East part of the room should be left open.

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Beneficial Paakad Plants and Plants Vastu Shastra

White Fig or Ficus Virens known in Hindi as Paakad or Pilkhan. In its growing phase :February-May. Very beneficial if planted in the North zone.

All thorny plants and trees like lemon, gooseberry, tamarind and all cactii and those that exude white sap like banyan, papaya etc should not be planted within the compound of the house. Adverse effects include financial crisis and mental tension. Rose is the only thorny plant which can be grown in the house preferably in the North-West zone.

To Read More on Vastu for Plants Click Here

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Vastu Tips for bathroom Mirrors and Bathroom Vastu Shastra

Make sure that the mirror in the bathroom is also only on the East or North wall.

Bathrooms can be located in the east or north or north west of the house but never in the North East.

All bathroom related electrical appliances should be in the South East of the bathroom.
Washbasin and shower can be in the North East of the bathroom.
The mirror has to be in the East or North.

To Read More on Vastu for Bathroom Click Here

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Vastu Tips for Round Mirrors at Home

Round mirrors should also be avoided because they also interfere with streaming of positive cosmic energy.

Mirrors should only be hung on the East and North walls in the house.

Mirrors should not be placed opposite one another.
Always hang a mirror flat against the wall and not leaning forward.
Only square or rectangular mirrors should be used. Avoid oval, rounder irregular shaped mirrors.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Vastu And Mirrors | Vastu Tips for Placing Mirrors at Home

Avoid irregular shaped mirrors as shown in the photo because it disturbs the streaming of positive energy.

Mirrors stimulate pranic energy and are widely used as remedies for Vastu correction because they give depth and extend any given direction. When placed correctly mirrors have the power to increase health, wealth and happiness.
The main door of the house should not be reflected in a mirror.

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Vastu Tips for Garage of the house and Garage Vastu Shastra

The garage should be in the North-West zone of the house.

The garage must never touch the compound wall of the plot or the walls of the main building.

The garage should be painted in white or any light colour, black or grey should be avoided.

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Vastu Tips for staircases inside the home and office

Avoid circular staircases inside the home and office. This pic is from a hotel in Strasbourgh, France.

The staircase should be maintained in a good condition at all times. Any repairs should be done immediately.
The staircase should not be seen from the main entrance of the house and should also not be directly opposite the main entrance. Such a staircase disturbs the harmony and equilibrium of the house. 

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Vastu Tips to Hang Family photos for Positive Effects

Take care that Family photos are displayed only on North or East walls. South-West walls are for deceased ancestors only.

The aim of Vastu is to establish a synergy between human beings and the Pranic energy of the universe. Vastu creates a positive relationship between the microcosm consisting of humans and the macrocosm represented by the universe. It has the ability to change a human’s cosmic path leading to stability and success.

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Vastu Tips For kitchen the sink and the stove

In the kitchen the sink and the stove should not be next to each other. They should be placed far apart as shown in the pic.
The washing sink should be in the North-East as far as possible. Water storage should also be in the North-East.
The refrigerator can be placed in the South-East, West or South but never in the South-West.
Cereals, spices etc should be stored in the North-West in glass jars. Plastic jars hamper the energy of the grains.

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Vastu Tips For Purple Pansy Plants at House

Purple Pansy perched prettily.

Audumber traditionally represents Guru Tatwa (gravitational force). Thus it is very beneficial to plant it in the South West because it results in holistic positivity.
Christmas tree has a pyramidical shape and can be said to be a living pyramid. Thus it is also a very beneficial tree to be planted in the South and South-West.
Aromatic fragrant plants can be planted in the North West to give fresh dimension to the wind element.

For more on vastu and plants Click Here

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