Sunday, September 10, 2023

Vastu and Directions | Best Vastu Directions Tips

The presiding deity of the North is Kuber the divine protector of wealth The planet of the North is Mercury who represents communication, education and prosperity.

Determining directions is very important in any Vastu treatment. Direction should be exact and accurate and a compass should be used to determine the direction from the center of the plot. Never determine any direction by the position of the Sun because it is variable with seasons.

Vastu and Directions | Best Vastu Directions Tips

The presiding deity of the East is Indra who is the lord of the luminous mind. The Planet of the East is the Sun, the illuminator of the universe.

Among the directions East and North hold a special position. The East, because the sun, the source of energy rises in the east, and the North is the roof of the world and the magnetic pole as well.

Vastu is the science of orientation of directions. There are 16 different directions each direction having a different impact on the human body. Some directions affect us positively and some adversely but each direction has a definite impact on our life.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Vastushastra is a Science explained by 18 ancient sages.

At the core of Vastu is the science of energy and matter. Every object with mass also has energy, either positive or negative.

The aim of Vastu is to establish a synergy between the inhabitants, the structure, nature and the universe. If the stored energy in any building is negative, the inhabitants suffer ill health, financial problems, unhappiness etc. If the stored energy in a building is positive, the inhabitants enjoy good health, wealth and happiness.

Thus the most important principle of Vastu is the concentration of energy. Vedas call it Pranic energy. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Vastu and The 5 Elements

The universe is made up of five elements Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Space.  These are known as the Panchamahabhutas.

The human body is also made up of these 5 elements, which are in turn related to our five senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch.

These five elements should not only be present in any building, but should also be in harmony with each other. Any imbalance in these elements leads to unhappy and undesirable consequences.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Vastu Tips for Office Desk

Make sure that there is a wall behind your chair and desk and not glass, to ensure strength and success.

The head of the organization or of the office should sit in the South-West. There should be a solid wall behind him and his desk should always be a rectangle. Second level officers can sit in the South or West. Place heavy cabinets in the South-West, South or West.

The accounts department is best in the North with the staff seated facing North.

Conference rooms and boardrooms can be in the East or West. East is the direction of new beginnings and inspiration. West is best for post analysis of any set target after its completion.

Monday, June 1, 2020


The best zones for a staircase are South, West and SouthWest zones.

The number of steps should always be an odd number and definitely not end in a zero.
Circular staircases are considered inauspicious because circles represent death in Indian mythology. For the same reason, a staircase should not encircle the whole building.
There should not be a common staircase for going upstairs and to the basement.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Swimming pools should be the North-East zone of any building, whether private residence or hotel.

All water resources for the home ie: wells, borewells, underground water tanks and swimming pools should be in the North-East zone because this is the water zone.
The advantage of having water resources in the North-East is that the water absorbs the beneficial UV rays of early morning sunlight.
Care should be taken that the water resources should not be located on the Kona Sutra.

To Read More Vastu For Swimming Pools Click Here

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Saturday, March 28, 2020


Make sure that the mirror and the washbasin are either on the North wall or on the East wall.

Washbasin and shower can be in the North East of the bathroom.
The mirror has to be in the East or North.
The WC should be in North- South axis only.
The slope of the bathroom should be towards the North East.
The septic tank can be West, North or North West.
The toilet should never be next to or in front of the kitchen or pooja room.

To Read More Vastu For Bathrooms Click Here

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Friday, February 21, 2020


The best zone for the kitchen is South-East because it is the fire zone, but red colour should not be used in the fire zone because red reinforces the vibrations of fire.

While cooking, the person should not have his/her back towards the entrance of the kitchen. If this is the case, a mirror can be put behind the stove to reflect the entry.
The kitchen should never be under a staircase or above, below or adjacent to a toilet. Tamas energy prevails in a toilet while freshly prepared food is full of Sattvik energy.

To Read More Vastu For Kitchen Click Here

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Monday, February 17, 2020

Vastu For Optimum Energy

Avoid arches and circular designs on the ceiling because they interfere with the helical streaming of organic energy.

Solar energy received at any given place depends on the geographical location and season. In India the sun is farthest in the North-East and closest in the South-West. Positive energy is received in early morning sunlight which consists of beneficial UV rays and less heat.

This is the reason why it is suggested that the North-East be kept open and light for enabling a larger field for maximum positive energy.

To Read More Vastu For Optimum Energy Click Here

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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Vastu For Staircase

Avoid spiral staircases because the spiral interferes with the helical streaming of organic energy.

Circular staircases are considered inauspicious because circles represent death in Indian mythology. For the same reason, a staircase should not encircle the whole building.
There should not be a common staircase for going upstairs and to the basement.
The uppermost staircase should have a roof.

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Monday, February 10, 2020

Vastu For South-West

Yellow is an excellent colour to use in a South-West bedroom because yellow enhances the earth element and Earth is the element for the South-West zone.

All heavy furniture like cupboards should be in the South and West. The cupboard containing cash, jewellery and valuables should open North.

Box beds are not recommended but due to paucity of space in modern house, they are being used. It is important that only soft clothes and bedsheets, pillows etc are stored in the box bed. Definitely no metal or electrical appliances  should be stored in the box bed.

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Vastu For Living Room

North is the ideal direction for the Living Room because astrologically, planet Mercury rules the North and represents communication.

The North-West is ideal for garages, guestrooms, store for finished goods etc. All things which have to be moved soon.
Since Mercury represents communications, the drawing room should be in the North and should be well lit. A dark drawing room represents immoral affairs and income through undesirable means.

To Read More Vastu For Living Room Click Here

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